A Little About our Discipleship g.r.o.u.p.s.:
Below you will find a list of all of our current G.R.O.U.P.S. and a filtering system to help you locate one that is right for you. More info on each group by clicking on the group name. If we can answer any additional questions, please feel free to Contact Us.
Current G.R.O.U.P.S.
Sunday School Groups at Southern Oaks is a time to study the Bible on Sunday mornings between services. Sunday School Groups are for all ages and genders.
Group Category:
Who It's For:
This group is for ladies of all ages.
When and Where We Meet:
Sundays at 9:45am in room B116 (behind the sanctuary)
Current Study:
From Garden to Glory by Courtney Doctor
Other Things You Should Know:
We welcome ladies of all ages!
Dana Miller at (903) 561-8025
Email the Leader
Sunday School Groups at Southern Oaks is a time to study the Bible on Sunday mornings between services. Sunday School Groups are for all ages and genders.
Group Category:
Who It's For:
This group is for men and women of all ages who wish to learn the deep truths of the Bible.
When and Where We Meet:
Sundays at 9:45am in room B102 (also known as the Bethlehem Room, across from the sanctuary)
Current Study:
Thru the Bible studies the Bible book by book, rotating between the Old and New Testaments
Currently in the Book of Revelation
Other Things You Should Know:
We welcome men and women of all ages!
Randall Menefee at (903) 561-8025
Email the Leader
Home Group (40s-60s)
Monday, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Home Groups at Southern Oaks are a chance to form a tight-knit, Christian community. Contact the group leader for the location.
Group Category:
Who It's For:
Adults, Single or Married, who do not need childcare
When and Where We Meet:
Second and Fourth Mondays of every month, 6:30-8:30pm, Location Varies
Current Study:
Other Things You Should Know:
This group brings their own dinners or potlucks and eats and fellowships for the first 45 minutes to an hour. The second hour is spent discussing the current text.
No nursery is provided.
Brian Cook at (903) 561-8025
Email the Leader
Home Groups at Southern Oaks are a chance to form a tight-knit, Christian community. Contact the group leader for the group's meeting location.
Group Category:
Who It's For:
Young Adults in their 20s-30s, With and Without Kids
When and Where We Meet:
This small group meets on Thursday of each week from 6:30pm-8:30pm at different homes.
Childcare is available
Current Study:
The Book of Hebrews
Other Things You Should Know:
This group brings their own dinners and eats and fellowships for the first 45 minutes to an hour. The second hour is spent discussing the current text.
This group is mostly in their 20s and early 30s, with and without children.
A nursery is provided for infant through 4 years.
Brandon Holiski at (903) 561-8025
Group Category:
Who It's For:
College Students & Young Adults
When and Where We Meet:
Sundays at 5:30 p.m.
Current Study:
Other Things You Should Know:
Feel free to bring a friend and join us for dinner, Bible study, and community!
Taylor Heenehan
Email the Leader
Mission Friends is for little kids, age 4 to kindergartner. Each week they gather (Room 107) to learn about Christian missions, missionaries, God's love, and the message of the Gospel, while having lots of fun.
More than just a choir, this is a worship arts ministry! Kids learn about the One worthy of our worship and how to lead others to worship Him through the Gospel expressed in music, drama, and art.
For kids 1st-5th grade
We meet in Upstairs in the Children's Wing Sunday Evenings from 5:30-6:30pm
More than just a choir, this is a worship arts ministry! Preschoolers learn about the One worthy of our worship and how to lead others to worship Him through the Gospel expressed in music, drama, and art.