Voices of Faith Choirs

About Us:

The Voices of Faith Choirs is a Christian choral ministry based in Tyler, TX. We exist to glorify God and be His witnesses in East Texas by providing quality choral instruction to young singers.
Voices of Faith (ages 13-22), Voices of Hope (ages 9-12), and Voices of Joy (young adults) are directed and coordinated by Christians who are devoted to instilling in the students a love for singing praises to God. A student's age on the date of the first rehearsal each semester will determine which choir they will join.
The Voices of Faith Choirs are a ministry of Southern Oaks Baptist Church and open to all area students.
For more information or questions, you can email us at 


The Voices of Faith Choirs presents its Spring Concert featuring:
Voices of Hope: Ages 9-12
Voices of Faith: Ages 13 - 20
Voices of Joy: Young adult


Fall 2022:

Spring 2022: